Tag Me
Tag Me - Hashtag finder & hashtag generator will help you get more followers and more engagement on Instagram.
August 2019
3 Monate
Concept, wireframes, design, story writing, development, testing, aso

Tag Me is a hashtag finder & hashtag generator that helps users get more followers and engagement on Instagram. It allows you to not only search for hashtags, but let’s you choose from thousands of captions for your Instagram posts.

Joe created this app in his spare time back in 2019 when he first started playing around with Flutter. It was a fun learning curve, as he gained invaluable experience and got to produce something that was 100% his own from start to finish.

Having surpassed 100K installs from the Google Play Store, we recently decided to upgrade the hashtag finder app, adding more features such as Image Labelling, Sorting Tags and the Community Feature. Here's a quick intro to the app's newest features:

Not sure of which hashtags to use? Tag Me can now generate hashtags for your image! Upload your image and let Tag Me do all of the hard work for you.

Saved hashtag cards will now be stored under the tab 'My Collection'. Users who Upgrade to Pro will have full access to our new tagging feature which allows users to organise their saved hashtag collections.

Our new community feature allows you to connect with friends and see their saved hashtag collections. Copy, save and share! Get started by creating a username and sharing your personal link with friends.

wireframes - sketches - screenshots
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