ez Water Reminder
Free and easy-to-use water tracker.
September 2021
1 week
Concept, wireframes, design, story writing, development, testing, app icon, aso

ez Water Reminder is a free Hydration Tracker that helps you record your water intake throughout the day. The app makes remembering to drink water easy, helping you look after your health and hydration. The app offers you a personalised, recommended intake amount, which calculates how much water you should be drinking to live a healthy and balanced life. Set targets, hit them, and see your progress over time.

We created this app as side-project because we felt like it! This was the third 'ez' app that we created together - the first being ez Meditation, and the second being ez Weight Tracker & BMI Calculator. Working on the project was a lot of fun as we had total creative control and there was a relaxed timeline.

Keeping an app minimal is always a difficult task - that's why you need a solid feature list and you need to set goals. The main idea was to create a free and useful water tracker that tracks users' daily intake. We actually had a lot of feature ideas, but we made the tough decision and cut the feature list down to the basics.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

wireframes - sketches - screenshots
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